Sunday, February 25, 2007

Weekend fun!

This weekend was really fun! Friday night we went out to eat with Amber, and Alex at Longhorn's. Then we went bowling. Well I didn't bowl but everyone else did. Bowling is probably the only sport I'm not that into. I'll play golf, softball, whatever, but I don't like to bowl. I'm weird! Saturday we went to my mom's for my sister's birthday. We had steaks, baked potatoes, salad, and coconut cake. Mmmmm! Saturday night when we got home I told Brad and Savanna not to wake me on Sunday. I got up around 10 this morning and made Savanna a bagel, then went back to bed. I got back up at 2, but I really needed the sleep. This afternoon Brad, Savanna, and I went to Olive Garden and ate until our hearts were content. I was craving some Italian, and I think it's my new favorite food. Yummy! We took a few pictures at my mom's for Whitney's (my sister) birthday. Hope you enjoy!

Me & Whitney

Me, Whitney & silly Savanna


Anonymous said...

:O) We had fun!! I am not good at bowling, but I still do it! hahaha.. Thats about the only thing I do play! hahaha! Smooches! *AMS

stephlipecky said...

Savanna looks so cute. Glad you had a good weekend!