Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sickly baby

This morning I got to work around 6, then about an hour later my mom calls me and tells me Savanna is sick. She had a fever and a croupy cough, so I went ahead and took her to the doctor. The doctor checked her ears and they were fine. She checked Savanna's throat and said it was really red, and ordered a strep test which came back negative. The doctor kept looking at her and said "she just looks so sick to me. I think I'll do a flu test on her." A few minutes later she came back and said Savanna tested positive for the flu. Yuck! She will have to stay home until Monday, and drink plenty of fluids and get lots of rest. There is nothing you can do about the flu except let it run it's course. So we stopped by Walgreen's and got lots of flu medicine. Some for the daytime and some for nighttime. We also got the ever famous fix all of your ailments, ginger ale. I love drinking ginger ale whenever I'm sick. It's so comforting. When we got home I asked Savanna to let me take her picture. She didn't want me to, but here she is all pitiful looking.


stephlipecky said...

Poor baby! Hope she gets to feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, tell Savanna, I hope she feels better!! Smooches! *AMS